Tuesday, December 29, 2009

6 Month Pictures

We are down in Florida for the week celebrating Christmas with Michael's family. As their Christmas gift we had Michael's 6 month pictures taken plus pictures taken with his grandparents and great grandmother. Michael was a little tired near the end but here are a few of the best ones.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Santa, guests in town, and lots more....

This weekend we went to see Santa. Michael Brenden liked Santa's beard so much he had a big chunk of it in his hand when we finally pulled him away from him! Katie and Scott were in town this weekend so Michael was able to hang out with his good friend Grace. Saturday night we had a surprise post wedding party for Michelle and Kevin. It was nice to have a night out!

Thanksgiving with the family

We went to Door County this year for Thanksgiving. Here are some pictures from the weekend. Michael Brenden spent a lot of time in the swimming pool - he loved it! He got to see all of his cousins too! We also went to the tree lighting in Egg Harbor.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Lots of "Firsts"

Michael Brenden has had a lot of firsts the past few weeks.

1. He ate rice cereal for the first time. He's been getting better at it but the first few times he liked to spit it right back out at us!

2. He rode the CTA for the first time! We took the Chicago public transportation downtown this weekend.

3. He wore his first pair of shoes. Thanks Uncle Matthew and Aunt Christine for the new Nikes!

4. He went to his first parade. You can see from the pictures he slept through most of it :)

Cleveland, OH

We went to Cleveland, OH for Nicci and Dan's wedding a couple of weekends ago. Ohio is the 6th state Michael Brenden has been to. He is becoming quite the traveler! Here are a couple of cute pictures from the weekend.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Bath Time Again!

Here are just a couple of pictures of our naked baby boy :) He was being really fun after bath time this week. I also snuck a picture in of Mommy and Daddy going out for Halloween Saturday night. Michael Brenden had a babysitter for a couple of hours so Mommy and Daddy could go out and have some fun!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Today we went to the Roscoe Village Halloween Parade. For Michael Brenden's first halloween he was dressed as DUMBO! He was so adorable! Half way through the parade and festivities he was so tired he had to take a little nap. Next year we'll take him trick or treating but this year it was fun just to dress him up and to see all of the other kids in the neighborhood in their costumes.
After the parade, we went to the park and Michael Brenden went on the swings for the first time.

Children's Museum

The Stensvens came down to Chicago this weekend. We had so much fun! Saturday we went to the Children's Museum at Navy Pier. Here are a couple of pictures of Daddy trying to teach Michael Brenden to crawl (yes we know it's a little early!) and a couple other cute pictures from the day.

Pumpkin Farm

We went to the pumpkin farm in Chicago a couple of weeks ago. We bought a bunch of pumpkins and painted them to put outside of our condo. The pumpkin farm had all sorts of rides, a corn maze, a petting zoo and a lot more fun stuff for Michael Brenden to enjoy when he gets a little older.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

3 Months

Michael Brenden will be 3 months old this week. The time has gone by so quickly! He is 13 lbs 7 oz and 25 1/4 inches. He sleeps about 6-7 hours straight at night. We're hoping that will be closer to 8-9 hours in the next month or so. We had his 3 month pictures taken yesterday. Here are a couple of our favorites!