Saturday, October 16, 2010

Warren State Dunes

We went hiking at the Warren State Dunes. Here are a couple of pictures of Michael B by Lake Michigan!


We went camping the first weekend of October in Michigan. It was a little cold and rainy but we still had a great time! Michael B really liked running around in his Wisconsin jersey and he liked playing football with his Daddy!!

First Cubs Game

We took Michael B to his first Cubs game! We got some good pictures but he only lasted through 3 innings. Hopefully we'll see more of the game next year!


More Labor Day

We celebrated Andrew and Kyle's birthdays. Uncle Brad fed Michael a birthday cupcake!

Labor Day

Labor Day weekend we went to my parent's camper. All the kids and grandkids were there! Saturday morning Grandma had the three boys while the rest of us went for a 5 mile run! Michael B went on his first pony ride. He was a little hesitant at first but seemed to enjoy the ride.

City Chase

Michael and I ran the City Chase this year. It was a 6 hour scaveneger hunt around Chicago. We had a great time and we're looking forward to doing it next year! Here are a couple before, during, and after pictures! That night we celebrated Megan's 30th Birthday.